The purpose of this article is to identify various meanings implicated in Jirisan during the late Joseon Dynasty, through the historic materials directly related to Jirisan. During the late Joseon Dynasty, there was a drastic change in the divinity of Jirisan, and even the Seasonal Sacrificial Rites was avoided to be offered. On the contrary, its characteristics as the stage of human life became more distinctive. As the land development of Jirisan advanced to the deeper area of the forest, the divinity of Jirisan faded, and its economic value as the stage of human life had been implicated. In addition, the development of Yuhwangjeom(硫黃點) caused significant damage to Jirisan as well as a great deal of changes in its identity. Starting from the Musinnan(戊申亂) in 1728, Jirisan became the ground of revolutionary movement under the leadership of Yiin(異人) for local administration authorities, the landed gentry, and the newly emerging merchants. The incident of the treason of Yiin represents the identity of Jirisan of the late Joseon Dynasty. And the implicated significance of the incident was the harmony of Seonwon(仙苑) and revolution. In other words, the two identities of Jirisan as the place for secluded wizard-like life, and as the ground of revolution, were combined into one during the rule of King Jeongjo(正祖). For the residents of Jirisan, the Seonwon was the message of salvation, which meant the life in utopia, where they could escape from the tormenting reality. Revolution was perceived by the local administrative authorities and the landed gentry as the flag of the overthrow of a dynasty, through which they could go against the political surveillance and suppression. This was the identity of Jirisan, conceived by the history of Jirisan.
1. 머리말
2. 17세기 智異山의 社會․經濟的 含意
3. 英祖代 智異山의 政治․社會的 含意
4. 正祖代 智異山의 政治․社會的 含意
5. 맺음말