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KCI등재 학술저널

16세기 遺逸의 方外人的 性向에 관한 고찰

A consideration of the propensity to a marginal inclination of Yuyil(遺逸) in the 16th century

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2009..38.7
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In the scholars massacre period, Yuyil didn t live peacefully and bounded by the realities of life. So, they describe as a departure person from a Confucian category. In spite of that, the propensity to a marginal inclination of Yuyil apparently differs from Bangoeyin s. Yuyil didn t find their way out of the anguished life s realities keeping a confrontation between the ego and the actual. But the reason why excessively exaggerating them as Bangoeyin is that discontent to a real life and doing things that surprise people were showed by their disciple. Sarim(士林) in the 16th century hold more prominent position in an academic standard s superiority and spiritual culture than the power group of the royal court. This phenomena were showed by Seogyeongdeok(徐敬德) and his disciple. Seogyeongdeok gains control of himself in both an academic standard and spiritual culture. But his disciple lacks of spiritual culture. They play things that surprise people. In this point, they are similar to Bangoeyin. Paid attention to a marginal inclination of Yuyil in the 16th century is an erudite academic standard. They accumulate a thorough moral culture, but they didn t free from problems concerning public welfare. For the public welfare, they hold an admission position except for Sung Confucianism. Bangoeyin s inclination which chanced upon to them seems to be jumping on this flew. They are defined as Toecheoyin who equipping with a thorough moral culture and an aspect of a moralist.

1. 들어가며

2. 기왕의 연구 성과 검토

3. 16세기 遺逸의 方外人的 性向

4. 개방성과 다양성을 추구한 博學風

5. 결어

