최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

고려·조선 문인의 白居易에 대한 인식

The specific features of Bai Ju Yi in Ancient Korean Writers

DOI : 10.17293/dbkcls.2009..39.337
  • 4

In this study, the specific features of Bai Ju Yi in Ancient Korean Writers. The Korean-Chinese both nations in period of old duration interchanged because of historical and geographic s cause. Among the rest, Literary interchange occupied the location which is importan. As is generally known, Korean classical literature is influenced by Chinese literature. But, Attitude of Korean writers about Chinese writers and literary works of each time has differenced. In other words, Korean writers take a positive receipt attitude in Li Bai·Du Fu·Su Shi and the like; On the other hand, They were indifferent to Bai Ju Yi. The purpose of this dissertation is; how to receive Bai Ju Yi’s literary works on ancient literature of Korea. In the introduction, I showed how to select the theme of my dissertation and how to research through Bai Ju Yi’s studies. In order to examine the reception of his studies conscientiously, I have researched them in relation to Bai Ju Yi’s literary work through the Korean scholar’s studies who had already studied Bai Ju Yi at 『A collection of Korean Works(韓國文集叢刊)』·『A collection of Korean SHI HUA(韓國詩話叢編)』·『D ong Wen Xuan(東文選)』·『A Chronicles of Chosǒn Dynasty (朝鮮王朝實錄)』. In this process, I have arranged 5 specific features which had shown in Ancient Korean Writers: First, the feature of satisfaction in his current life; Second, the feature of his demotion and banishment; Third, the feature of Buddhism; Fourth, the feature of politics; Fifth, the feature of having a lover or a gisaeng. Koryo & Chosǒn literary men all take positive attitude toward Bai Ju Yi’s literary works. I could not finalize it due to the sphere of intellectual information. But, hereafter I would like to research more of Bai Ju Yi’s literary works in the near future: For instance, Bai Ju Yi and Korean writers s relations; Bai Ju Yi and Ancient Korean political relationship of effect and the like.

1. 서론

2. 安度晩年의 致仕文人

3. 宦路不遇의 左遷文人

4. 生死超然의 香山居士

5. 淸廉潔白의 정치관리

6. ‘蓄妓’와 八節灘 개수

7. 결론

