The study is aiming to consider how an author s consciousness exerts on a work though 「Kimyoungcheoljeon」 Anseokkyeong changed Hongsetai s into with his own point of view. An author s consciousness plays a decisive role in a piece of work born. Where the work is a true record or not, an author s consciousness intervenes in it. As having a critical mind of 「Kim -youngcheoljeon」by Hong was prone to compassion excessively, Anseokk -yeong re-judged Kimyoungcheol in another way and adapted it for his intention using condensation or abridgment. This intention of description worked on it to record and report a historic model fact. Because of a limit to the genre that 「Kimyoungcheoljeon」by An was a reality based on a specific person s traces left behind, he attempted the variation of description by selecting the origin s details in patches, not by changing the structure of description in the origin over all.
1. 序論
2. 安錫儆의 記錄精神과 ‘傳’
3. 「金永哲傳」의 改作과 敍述上의 特徵
4. 作家意識이 事實記錄에 미치는 影響
5. 結論