Gi·sa is a descriptive form recording facts and events. Academic world has not paid attention to it as a subject worth continual research because its quantity is relatively small, content scope is too wide and genre has complex attribute. This paper, considering such conditions, examined the definitions of Gi·sa then its formal characteristics mainly from undisclosed works. Followings are several facts revealed by this study. Gi·sa is a descriptive form a writer use when he wants find out the fact of an event closely and hand down it to posterity. So, its main elements are the time and place the event happened and the identities of major agents and informants. The focus of description is to clarify the right and wrong of event, rather than the teachings of event or estimation on the concerned persons. The contents of Gi·sa are events or anecdotes which are not adequate for biography(傳) and Ya·dam(野談). Some Gi·sa(es) would describe the life big experiences of a man. They expressed well the joys and sorrows of life with fact description only, without literary description or embellishments. It can be said the literary value of Gi·sa consists in such fact.
1. 머리말
2. 記事의 정의
3. 작품 현황
4. 내용 소개
5. 맺음말