In the late of Chosun Dynasty, admitting the western material civilization, the people are in the need of new ethics because of weakening the spirit by worldly desires. At that time, People that is Heaven thought of Su Wun Choi Jae Woo appeared , and also break out Dong Hak Revolution. Dong Hak was a religious movement against the absolute God of character, Jehovah. According to their doctrine, The God is in the body of haman. That is , If one follow the God s creation, develop the it s energy, and then One can come to the God, Because Everybody has a God Potentiality in within one s Inner side. So It is a Religious Thought and Practice that worship the people just like God. As the Dong Hak appeared, YoungBoGukJungJungPyon was published by Lee Ohk Po, born at Pu Ahn. YoungBoGukJungJungPyon was rooted in the Dong Hak s doctrine, People that is Heaven and also used as a textbook of religious faith and practice. Most of researchers have studied YoungBoGukJungJungPyon mainly it s Taoists character and origin by the cannonical Textbook of early periods of Won Buddhism in the Association for the study of WonBuddhism. I inquired into the Confucianistic acceptance and it s Practical Aspect of YoungBoGukJungJungPyon . because it used a way of religious practice for the life centered and popularization of Confucianism, rooted in The Doctrine of the mean(中庸), Unity of Heaven and person(天人合一), The Great Learning(大學) of Confucianism.
1. 들어가는 말
2. 太極靈寶 定靜수행의 儒家的 受容
3. 『靈寶局定靜篇』수행의 지향과 실천
4. 맺는말