This treatise is a study on the poetry club Jikhasisa mainly run by Choi Gyeong-heum and Yu Jae-geon and their anthology Pungyosamseon . According to Choi Gyeong-heum s suggestion, the poetry club Jikhasisa compiled the anthology Pungyosamsoen in 1857. The anthologies were published every 60 years, starting with the Sodaepungyo in 1737. Then, the poetry club Okgyesisa whose main members are Cheon Su-gyeong and Jang Hon, issued Pungyosokseon in 1797. Subsequently, 60 years later, the last anthology Pungyosamseon by common people was compiled. Commoner s anthology was different from the traditional one, in that it was intended not for the noble men, but for the ordinary people such as Yeok-gwan and Seo-eol. Sixty years after it was published, Daedongsiseon was compiled by Jang Ji-yeon in 1917. Although Daedongsiseon and Pungyosamsoen were different in terms of the formations and contents, Pungyosamsoen played a bridge role for the publication of Daedongsiseon . In addition, Pungyosamsoen made a significant contribution to the enrichment of commoner s literature.
1. 머리말
2. 稷下詩社의 결성
3. 『風謠三選』 간행
4. 맺음말