I would like to review Chungye[春溪] Ha, Gihyen[河琪鉉] s life and the world of poems that is contained in Chugyemijungo[春溪未定稿]Ⅰ·Ⅱ. Ha, Gihyen[河琪鉉] was born and grew up in Hamyang[咸陽], Gyongsang -namdo[慶尙南道], and he was renowned as a poet around there. He remained 200 more pieces of poetry in his collection of works. He was gifted with talent of poetry, and had plenty of emotions. So whenever he made a journey his country to here and there, he expressed his feelings in poems. It is possible to classify his poems into three large groups, indeed the one is to song his native place[鄕土詩], another one is to describe the several sceneries that he saw during travel[旅行詩], the last one is to show his thought of the landscape and the great man of his provinces[抒情詩]. In the poems of native place, he expressed his mind of his home town Hamyang and it s neighbor country, for examples Jinju[晉州], Hapchun[陜川], Sanchung[山靑], Hadong[河東], Namhae[南海], Samchunpo[三千浦] etc., after he looked around there. In these poems, he exposed his love of his home county. His interests in the native place and it s neighbor was extended to other counties, for example Hoseu and Honam province. He travel Jungyeub[井邑], Janheung[長興] of Honam[湖南] for there place was the home town of his master, and he make a journey to Geumgang[金剛] mountain, Gaesung[開城], Pyeungyang[平壤] ctc. to enjoy the magnificent views. Some lyric poems, he composed, were organized by bunch of poems, for instance Songdamjabyoung[松潭雜詠] are composed of twenty pieces, Domang [悼亡] are composed of twenty pieces. In these poems, he showed his emotions and sentiments, he expressed his complex emotions in the Songdamjabyoung[松潭雜詠], and he expressed his mind, was in deep grief after depth of his wife in the Domang[悼亡].
1. 머리말
2. 河琪鉉의 生涯와 著作
3. 河琪鉉의 詩世界
4. 맺음말