‘靈慧’와 환상성에 대한 연암 박지원의 양면적 입장
Yun-am Park Ji-won’s two different stance regarding ‘spiritual-wisdom[靈慧]’ theory and fantasy -Criticism hidden in Nokaengmukyungsuh written by Yeon-am, Park Ji-won(2)-
Nokaengmukyung(Book about blue colored mockingbird), collection of stories by Suh-gu Lee, is based on fairytales about mockingbirds. Yun-am Park, Jiwon had a slight criticism regarding the book and he started his introduction with criticism. On the outside of his introduction, he praises the book by stating that he borrowed wisdom and divinity of Taoist hermit, or Buddha himself, but inside it’s full of false ideas and also includes Ji-gwe(志怪: a recordings of the strange). Also stated that including a belief of Buddhism about going to Elysian Fields after death is like selling Buddhism in his literature, which is also not right. Yun-am took a two different steps. One is by praising the literature by stating that Suh-gu Lee was excellent with including spirituality and wisdom in his literature. But on the other hand, he criticized the literature by stating that the book is based on Buddhism, or religion, and also supports fantasy and non-sense. Spiritual-wisdom theory(靈慧論) was strongly supported by the Kung-an School, which was established by end of Myung Dynasty, and the school strongly supported the ideas of Buddhism, and also created stories about living forever, and also going to Elysian Fields after death. Yun-am created his own characteristic stories by accepting the Kung-an School’s spiritual-wisdom theory and fantasy, but he tried to stay away from religious ideas, such as living forever, and Elysian Fields after death.
1. 머리말
2. ‘靈慧’論의 비평적 의미
3. 공안파의 ‘영혜’론과 도불의 환상성
4. ‘영혜’론과 환상성에 대한 연암의 양면적 태도
5. 맺음말