본고는 한문학 자료에서 나타나고 있는 다양한 애제류 산문의 갈래를 정리 분석하고, 그 각각의 갈래들이 지니는 연관성과 개별적 특성을 정리하여 우리 한문학사에 나타나고 있는 애제류 문장의 글쓰기 특성을 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 그 결과 哀에 속하는 哀辭, 弔辭, 誄文 悲文, 傷辭, 輓辭, 挽歌, 冊(哀冊, 諡冊), 哀贊 등과, 死者와 天地, 山川, 宗廟, 社稷, 諸神 들을 대상으로 기원하는 祭에 사용된 盟, 齋詞, 願文, 醮辭, 贊饗文, 靑辭, 祭文, 祝文, 告祭, 招魂, 告文, 祈文, 冊(祝冊,祭冊), 玉牒文, 表本, 上梁文, 上牌文, 道場榜, 道場疏, 疏語, 齋文, 靑詞, 告牒, 投簡, 解語, 嘏辭, 禱 등과 같은 다양한 문류들을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 그리고 이들 애제류 문장들의 형식과 수사는 전통성과 전범성을 우선시하는 문체 특성을 벗어나지 못하고 일정한 형식과 투식어로 이루어지는 것이 관습처럼 되어 있음에도 불구하고, 亡者를 애도하는 哀冊이지만 문체특성은 祭文에 가까운 「拜昌陵竹冊文」, 문장의 내용과 효용성에 적합한 檄文이라는 갈래 대신 死者에게 쓰는 祭文이라는 갈래를 선택하여 창작함으로서 우회적으로 문장의 효용성과 의미 그리고 그 효과를 극대화시키고자 한 「祭蘇頲方將軍文」, 조선전기 『동문선』 편찬자들이 지녔던 애제류 갈래분류의 관점을 보여주는 「天王院齋詞」같은 작품들은 애제류 문체가 지닌 한계를 극복한 매우 의미 있는 작품들로 평가된다.
This paper is mainly on arranging and analyzing several parts toward Elegy for praising the dead appeared in a variety of Chinese literature materials, moreover, exploring the characteristics of writing shown in the history of Chinese literature through explaining for several parts of Elegy that have implicit associations and its own peculiarities. As a result, we look at it in a variety of types of article that grief comprises as follows; elegy, eulogy, a song of lamentation, epitaph, mourning, Mansa (輓辭:writing for showing one s regret at a person s death), a funeral song, Chek(冊), a song of praising at a person s death, etc. and ancestral rites, wishing the dead, heaven and earth, mountains and streams, royal ancestral shrine, the guardian deities of the State, are affiliated with as follows; a vow, words for a service performed for the repose of a soul, optative sentences, a book made in Chu era, eulogy, letters for calling the spirit of the dead, a funeral oration, written prayer, invoking god s blessing and performing a rite of worship, invocation of the spirit of a deceased, archaic texts, optative sentence, Chek(冊), Okcheopmun(玉牒文), Pyobon(表本), writing when putting up the ridge beam, writing when praising king s meritorious deed, place for achieving spiritual awakening, writing for cultivating oneself morally or religiously, annotating what Buddha said, writing for praying for the repose of the deceased, writing for calling the spirit of the dead, writing for appeal, sending a contribution, understanding the meaning of words, god-given congratulatory message to mourner, prayer, etc. Although far beyond form and rhetoric of sentences written in Elegy for praising the dead certainly and put ahead of traditionality and a standard, and this form and tone continue to the present time, further, a book toward mourning the deceased, characteristic of style is selected and written based on the form of a funeral oration for the dead instead of a manifesto appropriated to contents and the utility 「拜昌陵竹冊文」 related to a funeral oration. Through maximizing utility and meaning of sentences and its effect indirectly, we highly esteem work of 「祭蘇頲方將軍文」 shown a variety of classification Elegy for praising the dead, at the same time, had compilation committees 「天王院齋詞」 and 『Dongmunseon(東文選)』 in the early days of the Joseon Dynasty as a meaningful work overcoming the limitations of style of Elegy for praising the dead.
1. 서론
2. 애제류의 갈래 성격
3. 『동문선』소재 애제류의 글쓰기 특성
4. 결론