Kyosan Hue Kyun lived in the middle of the Lee Dynasty, has well-known as the writer of Hong Kil Dong Juen and wrote five Chinese novels besides this work. The aim of this study is to investigate the literary value and the historical position in the literature out of five Chinese novels in his collection of works, (惺所覆瓿藁) As the result of the study, the literary value and the historical position of Kyosan s works are characterized as follows: The literary value of his works is come to the conclusion that: First, by showing in his novels the common people of social position who were oppressed in those days, he endeavored to appear the consciousness of the common people. Therefore, his novels approach a step to the common literature. Second, by entering the common people who were under the control of the noble, at the time of Lee Dynasty when Confusion ideas prevailed and the society was the social position, he made a great exertion to resist the authorities of that times even though not active. Third, in his Chinese novels involved a realistic character in view of the literary arts of novels. With the value of above mentioned, his Chinese novels occupy the historical position as follows: His Chinese novels as the works which appeared in the earlier time of the course that was developing from th:e literature of noble men and of the people who were out of government official positions in the first half of the Lee Dynasty to the literature of Park Juen-Am and of common people in the latter time of the Lee Dynasty.