최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

南冥 漢詩文學 硏究

A Study of Nam myeong s Chinese-poetic litersture

  • 7

The aim of this thesis is to research the Chinese-poetic literature(漢詩文學) of Cho Shik(曺植 : 1501-1572) the heart of this study emphasises the thematic analysis as it relates to and is connected with his life style rather than the pattern of his literary works, through a thorough research and understanding of the poet s material. In considering this concept, the main points are as follows: (1) He lived in the early part of the Ri-Dynasty and was well known as a recluse. His anthology Kapchinbon(甲辰本 : a collection of poems) was issued by his best pupil, Cheong In-Hong(鄭仁弘 : 1535-1623) thirty-two years after he died. We call it Kabchinbon. (甲辰本) The original Text and form was lost, but the works are available to us today in a revised form called Imsoolbon(壬戌本) issued in 1622. The Kabsinbon(甲申本) and Kabohbon(甲午本) Texts can be read today in a revised edition. As these four books are all different from one another in their editing, it is difficult to establish the credibility and accuracy in them. (2) He is a classical scholar who lived mostly in seclusion in Duksan(德山) near Mt. Chilee in Kyeongnam district. Political crises such as, the Gimyo incident(己卯士禍) and Eulsa incident(乙巳士禍) forced him to live in seclusion, hence we can gain an Yudoolyurok. (遊頭流錄) (3) His thoughts are full of sincerity and righteousness which put great emphasis on confucian principles and he always wrote his paetry with democratic concepts, believing that one should develop one s country by living thribly and conservatively. He accepted all the religious thoughts such as Confucianism(儒敎), Buddhism(佛敎), Taoism(仙敎) and he refused any official post eventually, spent his life secluded from the kings directives. He was a naturalist poet, who was in harmony with nature and himself, therefore we can say he wrote spiritual poems$lt;禪詩$gt; (4) His poetic expression was realistic. He used actual, historical events in his symbols and metaphors. He also tried to teach people by use of commanding allegory. He used an old Chinese archaic writing, called Choayumoon(左柳文), in his literary works, and he liked Yjanung(揚雄) and Wangyu. (王維) Korea s old scholars gave him critical acclaim saying that his poems were fresh, courageous and self-confident. In the Ri-Dynasty, Some Korean-Chinese literary scholars, lived in seclusion with nature in mountaineous areas and they sang of the environment of nature, and so we call these things Salim literature (士林文學 : namely classicromantic literature) We believe that Ri Whang(李滉: 1501-1570) and Choshik(曺植 : 1501-1572) are the most famous poets in Youngnam district, and Chosik is the most outstanding person as a poet Kyeongnam district.

