The purpose of this study is to examine the contents of Yong Jae Chong Hwa written by Sung Hyun. Its analysis is carried out by dividing into a talk on poetry, narration and description, in order to examine the literary ideas of Sung Hyun who suggest not only the emphasis on both economical effectiveness and literary respect being free from the literature centering around Do Hak in Choseon Dynasty, but also various changes in the contents and style of ilterature. In general, they mainly consist of the description including the talk on poetry. Additionally, comments on poetry tend to reflect anecdotes on poetry. These narrations are mainly composed of popular tales, which are fragmentary and derivative stories focusing on didactic and reasonable characters. Moreover, Sung Hyun implies his concrete belief and political philosophy as well as his intense patriotism, by insisting that the government has to be honest, and that it also has to seek the stability of national life through putting out corrupt officials. In addition to these factors, they include wide and various contents making it possible to prove the history and popular chatting and, of course, high and low popular change in Korean literature. As a rerult, they contain many values as historical data and prose literature that suggest in details many facts such as bure-aucratic government and nobiliary and humble life at that time. An informas prose literature based on these various documents and anecdotes on poetry is able to be considered as a critical miscellaneous literature so that the comment includes criticism on poetry, books on Chinese ethics and history, paintings and writings and figures. In other words, Yong Jae Chong Hwa written by Sung Hyun, a book having a creative meaning based on modern literary ideas, is considered as a critical miscellaneous literature which divides the prose and essay literatures in the late stage.