최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

東文粹의 文體樣相과 選文意識

A Study on the Literary Style Aspects and Its Selection Conscionsness of DONG MUN SU (東文粹)

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JUM PIL JAE, Kim, Jong-Jik(佔畢齋, 金宗直 ;1431-1492) published DONG MUN SU in the 19th ruling year of king SUNG JONG (成宗, 1488), when he was 58 years old, by selecting many sentences of former literary men. Recently, DONG MUN SU is frequently cited in marry works and articles. Nevertheless, there has been no concrete studies on DONG MUN SU. DONG MUN SU is not a creative work but the selective collection of several existing sentences. However, because it was not to only physically collect many sentences, it seems that Kim, Jong-Jik regularly reflected his views of literature, publication intention and sentences selection as well as selectity arrangement, by means of DONG MUN SU. The purpose of this study is to examine the historical values of DONG MUN SU useful to description of Sino-Korea literature, by analysing both his consciousness of selection and style of sentences included in DONG MUN SU. The result of this study is summarized as follows. Firstly, DONG MUN SU is the sentences collection excluding the brilliant Beauty of form, expressive technicalism and ceremonial style of Taoism and Buddhism, in order to establish literary characters focusing on Taoism in the process of Taoism and literary technic during the early Choseon(朝鮮) Dynasty period. Secondly, DONG MUN SU is the collection of sentences which completely excluded contents relating to Taoism and Buddhism on the basis of Buddhism suppression and Confucianism respect, by intending to collect the certain sentences suitable to his confucian political ideas and social education centering arouns practical Confucianism. Thirdly, DONG MUN SU is the collection of sentences which is based on the scholastic consciousness of Taoism such as loyalty and filial piety, integrity and ruling principle. Forthly, DONG MUN SU is the fruit of Taoism literature in the early Choseon Dynasty period, which indicated the basis of literature by means of collection before TOEKAE(退溪) and YULGOK(栗谷) generally established Taoism literature having a certain style in the 16th century, coping with the traditional noble literature in the later 15th century through the Confucian literature appoaching to Taoism. Fifthly, DONG MUN SU is the collection of sentences which suggested the literary standard of Taoism in the early Choseon Dynasty period, focusing on the social practice of SUNG RI HAK, (性理學), as well as simple rhetoric and words.

