최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Избор между езикова съпричастност и културно отличие: Фокусиране върху сравнението на българска и македонска езикова култура

Choice of linguistic proximity and cultural discrimination: Focus on Bulgarian and Macedonian language culture phenomenon

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.

The two neighboring countries have very close languages and try to secure their identity. This can be seen as a policy of pursuing change by applying a slight modification to languages or language phenomena having the same etymological origin. These minor differences are reflected in the language culture, and when this is fixed in the standard literary language, the differences in the identities of the two countries are emphasized. In this paper, we will study the correlation between these language changes and cultural differences. To this end, this paper will discover and analyze similar but different language phenomena between Standard Bulgarian and Standard Macedonian. Through this, I would like to consider the process in which changes in preference lead to changes in culture and result in changes in perception. The paper is largely divided into an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion. In the main part, we will explore phonological phenomena, vocabulary phenomena, and grammar phenomena to discover and explain the subtle differences between the two standardized languages. Before going into full-fledged research, a basic discussion of the identity of the Bulgarian and Macedonian languages is offered. As mentioned earlier, there are three main types of academic opinions on this part. In short, the opinions that the two languages are separate languages, that Macedonian is a dialect of Bulgarian, and that the linguistic connection between Macedonian and Serbian is closer. These opinions are often divided by their linguistic base or their countries, making it difficult to objectively select specific opinions. As an example where linguistic differences lead to identity formation and cultural change, we first looked at the Macedonian typographic features (different from Bulgarian in alphabetical terms). All show differences in the seven letters. Looking at these 7 letters, there are 5 letters based on the Slavic alphabet, and a total of 2 letters based on the Latin alphabet. Considering the ancient Church Slavic alphabet, six were Slavic and one was Latin. All letters are used very productively in Macedonian: ќ, ѓ, џ, s, њ, љ, j. In particular, j is a very unusual letter from the perspective of traditional Slavic alphabet, and since it is used in the Serbian alphabet as well, it is considered to be used as part of the pursuit of differentiation from Bulgarian. Next, Macedonian vocabulary items that are different from their Bulgarian counterparts are considered. Typical examples include среќа, прашање, дуќан, муштериjа, and двоумам. It is also morphologically different from the corresponding Bulgarian, and the symbolic meaning of the Macedonian vocabulary itself is often far from Slavic intuition. It can be judged that these vocabulary items also played a role in establishing an identity based on minor differences and reflecting those differences in culture. In terms of the grammar system, we studied Macedonian language phenomena,

1. Увод

2. Основна част

3. Заключение
