최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Навчальний словник для іноземців як об’єкт мовознавства

Learner’s Dictionary as an Object of Linguistics

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.
  • 3

Modern lexicographic principles of compiling different types of dictionaries actualize important issues that determine the content of the work of the linguist. First of all, it is about the needs of a particular addressee, and as a result – the volume of the dictionary, the specifics of the submission of scientific information, etc. As it is known, all lexicographic parameters, worked out and entered by the author in the dictionary, determine its quality and effectiveness when used. Note that often the above issues are not addressed systematically, to some extent superficially. In our opinion, a systematic compilation of the vocabulary implies understanding of specific tasks and formulated linguistic beliefs of the author regarding key concepts that directly or indirectly affect the quality of the vocabulary. In particular, it is a matter of different understanding of the tasks by the author who considers lexicography as a section of lexicology and the author who regards it as a section of applied linguistics. The degree and principles of their description of the lemma in the dictionary also differ. This study tries to argue that, to substantiate the theory of lexicographic work on the creation of a learner’s dictionary for foreigners, it is important and expedient to define key terms and concepts that are dominant and relevant to modern theoretical and practical lexicography.

1. Вступ

2. Основні галузеві терміни і поняття в контексті ідей сучасної лексикографії

3. Місце теорії лексикографії в мовознавстві

4. Зміни в науковій парадигмі укладання словника: тенденція до спеціалізації укладачів та враховування інтересів користувача

5. Висновки
