최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Исследование приемов перевода корейских культурных реалий-неологизмов на русский язык на материале«Корейско-русского учебного словаря Национального Института корейского языка»

A Study on techniques for translating Korean cultural realities-neologisms into Russian based on the material of the “Korean-Russian Learners Dictionary of the National Institute of Korean Language”

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.

The purpose of this article is to study specific translation techniques of Korean cultural realitiesneologisms into Russian, and to propose translation mechnism when transmitting the realities of Korean culture to Russian in the aspect of intercultural communication. The objectives of this article are as follows: To consider the difficulties of translating cultural realities; To make a classification of the translation techniques most often used to cultural realities; Make a list of Korean cultural realities-neologisms; To make an analysis of examples from translations of Korean cultural realities-neologisms included in the “Korean-Russian Learners Dictionary of the National Institute of Korean Language” and research the methods for their translation; To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of translation techniques applied to Korean cultural realities-neologisms and identify patterns of their translation for intercultural communication. The object of this article is Korean cultural realities-neologisms included in the “Korean-Russian Learners Dictionary of the National Institute of Korean Language”.

1. Введение

2. Основные трудности перевода культурных реалий

3. Стратегии и приемы перевода корейских культурных реалий-неологизмов, включенных в ≪Корейско-русский учебный словарь Национального Института корейского языка≫, на русский язык

4. Заключение
