Способы выражения оценки в русском и китайском языках: по материалам романа Л. Улицкой «Медея и ее дети» и его перевода на китайский язык
Means of expression of evaluation in Russian and Chinese languages based on the novel “Medea and her children” by L. Ulitskaya and its translation into Chinese
In accordance with the principles of A.V. Bondarko s Functional Grammar, we describe the system of means to express evaluation used in Russian and Chinese languages and compare the implementation of these systems in parallel literary texts. The evaluation semantics in Russian is presented in the form of a functional-semantic field with a lexical-syntactic core. An explicit expression of evaluation is associated with the use of words that elicit an evaluative meaning (either positive or negative) in a predicative position. The implicit methods for expressing evaluation include special syntactic structures and narrative fragments, in which the evaluation is reflected in interaction with the context. At the same time, quantitative indicators are essential for expressing evaluation in Chinese, such as individualization and a high level of measurement of an attribute. It is concluded that translations more explicitly convey the evaluation semantics, appending evaluative words to neutral statements used in the Russian original.
1. Введение. Семантика оценки, история ее изучения в русском языке и проблема сопоставления
2. Способы выражения оценки в китайском языке и история их изучения
3. Способы выражения оценки в романе Л. Е. Улицкой и его китайском переводе
4. Заключительные замечания