In this paper, the author discusses the basic models of naming toponyms from the lexical fund of geographical apelativs and terms in the јezera-šarani area. The author will pay special attention to: single member identical forms of apelativs and toponyms, apelativs that function as full-fledged toponymic names only with some determinant in the two-membered syntagmatic name and apelativs that are in everyday communication in the examined area, but cannot serve in any forms as toponyms. The naming of toponyms from the lexical fund that make up geographical appellations and terms is one of the most common models. Numerous metaphorical names (Плеће, Лица, Ждријело, Кук) in which the most diverse semantic nuances are compacted and condensed indicate not only the way of origin of toponyms, but also the creative power and vitality of the inhabitants of this area. In the examined area, we usually have an identical form for the appellation and for the toponym (Врела, Крш, До, Влаке). Other appellatives appear as toponyms only in the syntagmatic connection (Борова глава, Црквена зараван), and some do not appear at all in the function of toponyms (мргуља, станац, рипа). The method of naming toponyms is widespread when, in addition to a geographical appellation and a term, an adjective determinant is usually added in order to provide closer onomastic information: toponyms with regard to shape, position and appearance (Шиљати крш, Пријеко врело, Кривача), toponyms of certain relations to others toponyms (Горњи и Доњи тавани), toponyms named according to quality or some characteristic feature (Суво поље, Добри до, Црни врх), toponyms originating from phytonyms (Борова глава, Јасике, Орашац), and zoonyms (Међеђе брдо, Кокошије рупе), toponyms by affiliation (Лалетин до, Рамово Ждријело), etc.