최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Аффиксальный способ образования кыргызских глаголов с основами из русского языка

Formation of Kyrgyz verbs derived from Russian stems

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.
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There are a lot of borrowings derived from Russian language in Kyrgyz language. Most of them are Nouns and Adjectives and some Verbs. In this article, we examined 187 verbs from a Kyrgyz dictionary. Most of them are verbs generally utilized in the fields of technology, medicine, business and pedagogy. The main point is why Kyrgyz people use derived words from Russian. Many linguists study the reasons for the borrowings. Some of Kyrgyz linguists refuse from borrowing and change to Kyrgyz words by calque formation. The other linguists actively use the borrowings. The most popular method of borrowing is calque formation. Nowadays Kyrgyz people use borrowings and it is confused of using the translated words without meaning or association. In this article, we researched how to make Verbs through the stems of Russian noun with Kyrgyz affixes. By comparing Russian and Kyrgyz words, it is clear that they have different language structures. But these kinds of derived verbs can be used in Kyrgyz language system without difficulties.

1. Введение

2. Роль русского языка в развитии кыргызского языка

3. Основные способы словообразования в кыргызском языке

4. Закон сингармонизма в кыргызском языке

5. Заключение
