최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 /t′/의 파찰음화 현상에 대한 음향적 특성 연구

An acoustic study of Russian affricated dental plosive /t′/

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.
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This paper aims to examine some acoustic properties of Russian affricated dental plosive /t′/. Russian language has ‘palatalized’ consonants, and they are produced by raising the front of the tongue so as to touch the hard palate. Palatalized labial consonants are different from dental plosives. When dental plosives are palatalized, they are merged with another articulation which is frication. To analyze Russian affricated dental plosive /t′/, recordings were made of 5 native Russian male speakers producing 5 vowels (/a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/) in isolation and in CV syllables. Measurements were made of duration, intensity, CoG, formant vowel transitions, spectrogram and spectral shapes. The results showed that /t′/ is affricated, the place and manner of articulation were similar to affricate /c/ and /č/. However, when succeeded by vowels, /t′/ still had the acoustic characteristics of dental plosive /t/. This study contributes to a better understanding of acoustic characteristics of Russian affricated /t′/.

1. 서론

2. 파열음 /t/와 /t′/, 파찰음 /c/와 /č/의 음향적 특성

3. 실험방법

4. 실험결과

5. 결론
