최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국인 러시아어 학습자와 러시아 여성 화자의 러시아어 /j/계열의 실험음성학적 대조분석

Experimental Phonetic comparative Analysis of Russian glide /j/ series of Korean Learners of Russian and Russian Female Speakers

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2020.
  • 4

The main purpose of this study is to examine how the pronunciation of Korean learners of Russian differs from the Russian female speaker’s pronunciation through the experimental phonetic method of Russian glide /j/ series /je, ja, jo, ju/. Through this study, five conclusions were reached. First, the length of the onset of Russian female speakers was more than twice as long as the onset of Korean learners of Russian in all series of /je, ja, jo, and ju/. In both groups, the longest series was [je] series, and the shortest series was [ja] series. In the same series, the largest difference between the two groups was [jo] series, and the smallest difference was [ju] series. In addition, the onset of a Russian female speaker was not only distinguished from Korean learners of Russian in length, but also showed a distinct difference in sound wave quality. In Russian female speakers, all subjects produced a highly fricative note, and Korean learners of Russian produced only one subject with a fricative note. Second, the length of transition of Russian female speakers is 22% longer than that of Korean learners of Russian, the length of the glide is 63% longer, and the length of the /j/ series is 35% longer. Russian female speakers are longer than Korean learners of Russian in length of onset, transition, glide, and /j/-series, but the rate of transition to glides is 13.9% less for Russian female speakers than Korean learners of Russian. This means that the transfer takes place more rapidly in Russian female speakers than in Korean learners of Russian. In addition, the ratio of glide in the /j/-series is 8.76% higher for Russian female speakers than for Korean learners of Russian. This means that the proportion of glide in the /j/-series of Russian female speakers is greater than that of Korean learners of Russian. Third, the most striking difference in the intensity of Russian female speakers and Korean learners of Russian is that the intensity of Russian female speakers in the opening tone is significantly lower than that of Korean learners of Russian. The difference in intensity between the two groups is 4.64dB in the opening tone. In addition, the intensity of Russian female speakers rises sharply as they progress from the beginning to the transition, but the intensity of Korean learners of Russian gradually rises. In this part, Russian female speakers differ by 7.34dB from Korean learners of Russian. And, in the difference in intensity between the opening and closing vowels, the Russian female speaker differs by 6.82dB compared to the Korean Russian learner. In the case of Russian female speakers, it can be seen that the intensity of the opening and closing vowels is distinguished from each other. Third, the intensity of Russian female speakers in the onset is significantly lower than that of Korean learners of Russian. The difference in intensity between the two groups in the onset is 4.64dB. And when moving from the onset to the transition, the intensity of Russian female speakers rises steeply, but the intensity of Korean learners of Russian rises gradually. In the two groups, the difference in intensity between the transition and landing sound is 7.34 dB. And In the two groups, the difference in intensity between the onset and offset was 6.82dB greater for Russian female speakers than for Korean learners of Russian. Therefore, it can be seen that Russian female speakers clearly distinguish the intensity of the onset and offset from each other. Fourth, if you look at the changes in F1 at three points of M1, M2, M3, in the case of Russian female speakers, the change in F1 is not large in the M1M2 section, but rises rapidly in the M2M3 section, but in the case of Korean learners of Russian, the change in F1 rises continuously in the M1M2 section and M2M3 section. By series, in the case of Russian female speakers, all series are gathered at the M1 point, and then F1 does not change significantly in the process of going

1. 서론

2. 선행연구

3. 실험

4. 결론
