Kontury češtiny a rezistence jejích rovin v kontaktu s jazykem (ne)příbuzným: kauza Střelínsko
Border lines of Czech and resistivity of its language planes in contact with (non)related languages: the cause Střelínsko
Systematically demarcating the language contours of a specific nation has been considered as one of the important fields related with language contact. It seems, however, that this matter has not been extensively discussed yet in terms of Czech national language. Recently, it is one of the crucial topics of Czech sociolinguistics. The question of the Czech language contour is critical to specify whether its abroad variants, such as, American Czech, Ukrainian Czech, Viennese Czech and Banat Czech etc., belong to this complex. With this perspective, this thesis specifically focuses on the problem of language contact between Czech and Polish. Czech and Polish are connected by a common destiny as well as by numerous language means. The consequences of the Czech language contact with German and Polish have been analyzed in this study. In regards to the resistance of the individual levels of Czech as a minority language under these two majority languages, I propose a hypothesis that the immunity of Czech language depends on the degree of typological similarity and genealogical affinity of language systems. We have found the least resistance of Czech in the vocabulary, while Czech morphology most resistant to Polish majority in Střelínsko.
1. Uvodem
2. Česko-polské a polsko-české jazykové kontakty
3. Vymezení kontur českého národního jazyka
4. Rezistence rovin minoritního jazyka v jinojazyčném prostředí
5. Závěrem