최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Изучение русских фразеологических единиц, характеризующих внешность человека, в коннотативном аспекте: в сопоставлении с корейском языком

A study on Russian Idioms to Characterize Person s Appearancein the Connotative Aspect: in Comparison with Korean Language

This article is devoted to study the features of idioms characterizing human appearances in Russian and Korean. Language is a product or result of the culture in which the language itself is used as a way of communication. As a result, learning a language should be accompanied by learning the culture of the country where the language is used. Idioms belong to the culture of the country itself. An idiom is a group of words which have a meaning that is different from the one the words would have if you took the meaning of the words separately. One of the biggest problems we have concerning idioms is that it is often impossible to guess the meaning of an idiom from the words it contains. Besides, idioms often have a stranger meaning than non-idiomatic phrases. But I think we can easily understand the meanings of some idioms, once we comprehend a symbol and imagery of the appearance as I mentioned in this paper. The propose of this study is to achieve three objectives as follows. First, it attempted to characterize the linguistic potentials of idioms that have the component of person s appearance. Second, it described the components of vocabulary related to the idioms of person s appearance, their semantic characteristics, and ethnic and cultural components. Third, it analyzed the patterns of vocabulary associated with the idioms of person s appearance in Russian and Korean. Fourth, we tried to identify the characteristics of different linguistic and cultural phenomena in the idioms by comparing Russian and Korean. We can present the following conclusions from the study. First, Idioms to characterize person s appearance in the Russian language is much more than those in Korean. Second, we can see that there are many negative evaluations in idioms related to the appearance of people in both languages. Thus, we could examine the linguistic features that have the meaning of evaluation in each language. We found out the influence of the cultural factors by the fact the idioms have something more than their literal meanings. Without considering these factors, any empirical approaches are not necessary. On this perspective, I firmly believe that this study will be helpful for understanding and comparing Russian and Korean languages. I expect this approach in understanding idioms related to person s appearance to be studied with many different subjects in the future.

1. Введение

2. Теоретические основы

3. Анализ фразеологических групп с разной коннотацией

4. Заключение
