The aim of this study is to explore Russian learners perceptions about TOEIC and to analyze their learning strategies, and to identify the differences in their perceptions based on their study areas and TORFL scores. For this study, one hundred twenty six Russian learners were selected, i.e. sixty eight students in the high school and fifty eight students in the university. The results identified five factors in the students perceptions about TORFL: Practicality of TORFL, TORFL and improving Russian skills, ways to study TORFL, basic Russian proficiency for TORFL skills and ways to improve TORFL scores. The results showed that Russian proficiency for TORFL skills was statistically significant. Russian learners effective strategies and cognitive strategies were very low. In order to use more effective strategies, they should try to decrease their anxiety about Russian and feel confident with Russian. To use more cognitive strategies, it s important for them to practice Russian and use Russian. They should practice new expressions and pronunciations. They should try to speak in Russian with people, watch Russian media and movies, and write simple writings as well. Learning strategies are the keys to successful language learning and learners can improve their communication abilities by using them effectively. TORFL-oriented Russian learners should find out what kind of strategies they don t use and use various learning strategies when learning Russian.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 토르플 인식 및 학습전략에 대한 연구결과와 논의
Ⅳ. 결론