Образные ассоциации концепта-универсалии «Любовь» в русской лингвокультуре на фоне английской и корейской: на материале пословиц и поговорок
Figurative Associations of the Universal Concept «Love» in Russian Linguistic Culture against the Background of English and Korean: on the material of proverbs and sayings
The purpose of this paper is to analyze paremiological implementation of such universal concept as «Love» on the material of Russian proverbs on the background of English and Korean, as well as to establish the specificity of this concept in the Russian national-specific cultural traditions on the background of English and Korean, and to describe semantic characteristics of proverbs representing the concept. The analysis of the fragment of Russian paremiological picture of the world, representing the concept «Love» in the background of English and Korean, has proved that the marked languages have both general and specific ways of expressing the viewpoints of people. In the study, it was discovered that the similarity is due to the commonality of human experience showing the importance of love in each representative of the three Nations (the value of family and home, parental love, patriotic love, etc.). The differences are due to national peculiarities of perception of the concept «Love». All the highlighted units are reflected in one, two or three languages.
1. Введение
2. Натуралистически-родовой пласт
3. Каритативный пласт
4. Ритуалистический пласт
5. Материальный пласт