The studies on semantic classification of verbs like Vendler(1967), Kuznetsova(1988), Levin(1993), Paducheva(1996) and Apresjan(2006) have been approved by many other linguists. However, there still exists a clear difference in views about semantic classification of verbs. And this is a reason why more attention should be paid to semantic classification of verbs, semantic characteristics of lexicosemantic verbal groups and their subgroups. We examined some theories for the semantic classification of Russian verbs and analyzed Russian verbs meaning ‘to make a physical impact on objects’. Verbs indicating a ‘physical impact on objects’ contain remarkable feature — actionality (акциональность) and thus they are macro-grouped by result of action (any changes in the objects of action). This thematic (semantic) group can be divided into several lexico-semantic subgroups associated with purpose and manner of action, and moreover various types of variant forms can appear by the combinations of the specific sememes. This article examines some of the taxonomic theories about ‘a physical impact on objects’ verbs — Usmanova(2002) and Babenko(2009). And to compensate their drawbacks of their classification, we suggest three semantic components for the taxonomic criteria besides purpose of action: result of action, manner of action and combinations of the specific sememes—adjunction, combination, etc.
1. 서론
2. 동사의 분류와 주제 그룹
3. 러시아어 동사의 의미 분류 이론
4. 대상에 대한 물리적 작용을 의미하는 동사 그룹
5. 결론