최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Základy slovenského jazyka pre kórejských študentov so znalosťou češtiny

The Basics of Slovak Language for Korean students who can speak Czech

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2018.
  • 2

The study focuses on teaching the basics of Slovak language for the Korean students. We consider that there is the areal, cultural and especially linguistic distance between Slovak and Korean environments. What is important is the fact that students who study Slovak language in Korea already have a basic knowledge of Czech language that can be used in the educational process. The similarity of Slovak and Czech language on the one hand facilitates students work, on the other hand it can complicate it. The study shows when and to what extent it is appropriate to use the comparative method in teaching, and vice versa, when this method appears to be counterproductive. Using practical experience, the study focuses on the graphical system, phonological system, morphology, and ultimately on teaching basic phrases. Also we particularly focuse on how to make students reactions automatic toward these phrases.

1. Uvodom

2. Špecifiká kórejského jazykového prostredia

3. Grafémy a fonémy

4. Substantiva

5. Adjektíva

6. Verbá

7. Frázy, reakcie a ich automatizácia

8. Zaver

