최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Исследование особенностей функционирования интернет-мемов в русскоязычном интернет-пространстве

Research of features of Internet-memes functioning on the Russian Internet

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2018.

Information technology is booming nowadays. The Internet becomes a part of the life of modern people. The network is becoming a new communicative space. The new communicative discourse on the basis of the Internet is characterized by the following features: virtuality, interactivity, dynamism, informative saturation, etc. The Internet, which acts as a special communicative space, gives people ample opportunities to realize their creative potential. An active study of this space developed an interest in researching the characteristics of communication in the network. These researches gave rise to the new direction of linguistics, Internet Linguistics . The memes are special elements of the Internet linguistics. This article is devoted to features of Internet-memes functioning on the Russian Internet. There are many types of memes. An Internet meme is an activity, concept, catchphrase or a piece of media which easily is spreaded, often for mimicry or humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet. An Internet meme may also take the form of an image (typically an image macro), hyperlink, video, website, or hashtag. But we only consider such Internet memes, which represent an image that contains a slogan. Our research focuses on the following tasks: to describe the concept of the Internet meme and its main properties, to consider the structures of this unit, and to investigate its pragmatic influence on the recipient. Internet memes provide good opportunities for creativity in the field of language. Therefore, the study of Internet memes produces a great potential in the future.

1. Введение

2. Интернет-мем: содержание термина, основные свойства данной единицы

3. Особенности структуры интернет-мема

4. Функции интернет-мема

5. Заключение

