최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Лингвострановедческая ценность русских и корейских идиом с названием национальных блюд

Linguistic and Cultural Research of Russian and Korean national staple cuisines (on the material of idioms with the denomination of traditional dishes)

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2018.
  • 2

The purpose of this article is to elucidate the cultural implication and linguistic connotation in Russian and Korean idioms with the denominations of traditional dishes. The Proverb and sayings have a conservative syntactic structure and the denominations of traditional dishes have specific lexemes, reflecting linguistic and cultural value. Within the limits of selecting folklore texts, in this study we considered the basic traditional dishes of two country, such as хлеб, щи, каша, блины in Russian, rice (паб, тток, джук), soup (кук, куксу), kimchi (кимчхи) in Korean. Therefore, it was discovered that the usages of proverbs and sayings with denominations of dishes in Korean are much less than in Russian. Besides literal meaning of denotata, proverbs and sayings with the denominations of traditional dishes have metaphorical connotations. They are related to an ordinary function, often to national holidays or festive occasions. We investigate the recognition of world, national mentality and cultural specificity in comparison with two national cuisines. It is convinced that the differences are due to national peculiarities of cuisines, which is concerned with the climate and regional disparity.

1. Введение

2. Отражение русской и корейской национальной кухни в пословицах и поговорках

3. Заключение

