Русские пословицы и поговорки в языке современной газеты: на материале российской и казахстанской прессы
Russian proverbs and sayings in the language of modern newspapers: based on the Russian and Kazakh press
The aim of the article is: to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Russian proverbs and sayings and their modifications in the headlines of articles of the modern Russian and Kazakh press for the period from 2013 to 2018. Based on this goal, the article sets the following tasks: - to clarify the typology of transformation techniques of Russian proverbs and sayings; - to identify and describe the linguistic means of creating modifications; - to highlight journalists’ favorite models. Proverbs and sayings, as precedent statements, using in newspaper headlines, are to draw reader’s attention, create a certain sense of perception, and remain in memory for a long time. As studies have shown, the headings of the articles contain mostly transformed proverbs and sayings.We distinguish the diversity of transformations, which are to create a language play: semantic transformation(word-for-word usage of precedent statements, zero transformation) and structuralsemantic transformation of the precedent statements (the change in their lexical structure, the substitution of component composition of proverbs, contamination, morphological transformation of proverbs, syntactic transformation, and combined transformation, allusion, etc.).
1. Введение
2. Виды трансформаций ПВ
3. Окказиональные преобразования паремий ? построение модификаций ПЕ по определенной узнаваемой модели
4. Заключение