Currently, university education is in search of new forms and methods of teaching. The possibilities of using Internet technologies in the educational process are being actively researched all over the world. Researchers and methodologists say that in the modern educational process it is necessary to apply interesting and non-standard forms of education in order to return the lost interest of students to learning a foreign language. In our opinion, the teacher needs to move away from the standard practical lesson, to introduce something new into it. The teacher should intensify the activities of students, encourage them to act. The use of new information technologies makes it possible to implement a personality-oriented approach in the teaching of a foreign language, including the Russian language. The urgency of the use of Internet resources is dictated, first of all, by pedagogical needs in increasing the effectiveness of developing education, the need for students to develop independent learning activities, and develop research and creative competencies. This study is devoted to the actual methodical topic, namely, the description of the features of using Internet resources in the teaching of the Russian language as a foreign language. In the article the author sets himself the following tasks: to define the concept of the Internet resource, to briefly describe the types of web resources, to consider the didactic potential of using Internet resources in the teaching of a foreign language, to describe the features of using communication and information web resources in teaching Russian as a foreign language. The possibilities of using Internet resources are unlimited. The global network creates the conditions for obtaining any information that is necessary for the student and teacher anywhere in the world: regional material, articles from newspapers and magazines, necessary literature, etc. Using the information resources of the Internet, it is possible, by integrating them into the educational process, to solve more effectively a whole series of didactic tasks in a practical lesson: to develop reading skills and skills, using materials of a network of varying degrees of complexity directly; improve the skills of monological and dialogical speech; replenish the vocabulary both active and passive, with the vocabulary of a modern foreign language; to get acquainted with the cultural knowledge, including speech etiquette, features of speech behavior of different peoples in the conditions of communication, features of culture, traditions of the country of the studied language, etc. In this we see the relevance of our study.
1. Введение
2. Особенности использования ресурсов интернета в процессе преподава ния РКИ
3. Заключение