최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아 성경적 관용어의 의미변화 유형 및 특징에 관한 연구

Study on the types and characteristics of meaning change in Russian biblical idioms

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2018.
  • 11

The purpose of this paper is to classify the interrelationships between original Bible text and biblical idioms by type. And I want to reveal the meaning change and its cause and characteristic in Russian biblical idioms. For this, I used three classification methods: Contextual/ situational biblical idioms, Directly/ indirectly quoted biblical idioms, Direct/ reinterpreted biblical idioms. In Russian biblical idioms, contextual biblical idioms are observed more often than situational idioms, and most of the biblical idioms are from the directly biblical idioms, and the indirectly biblical idiom is very rare. One of the greatest features of Russian biblical idioms is that the reinterpreted biblical idiom accounts for about 70% of the data used in the analysis. The factors that affected the meaning change of biblical idioms were the Desacralization, the Change of speech style, the Contextual and literal interpretation of the Bible text, the Increase in negative meaning, and the Addition of Russian vocabulary and semantic elements.

1. 머리말

2. 러시아 성경적 관용어의 유형 분류

3. 러시아 성경적 관용어의 의미변화

4. 결론
