The article analyzed elements of spoken language found in the syntax of Russian mass media text. The study shows that parceled construction as the elements of analytism in a sentence structure, parenthetical construction, incomplete sentences, dialogical elements (including question-answer constructions, rhetorical questions, responding, and imperative sentences), exclamatory sentences and sentences with interjections, i.e., elements of spoken language in the syntax permeate sentence structure in the mass media texts, that is believed to have formal properties of the written language style. Elements of spoken language listed above heighten affective involvement of the readers, enhance reliability of information provided from the media. In consequence, the fields in which a standard, normative written language on complete structure might be compatible with informal spoken language are formed in the language of modern Russian mass media.
1. 서론
2. 러시아어의 구어(Разговорная речь)의 기본 개념
3. 러시아 대중매체 언어의 문장에서 구어적 요소 분석
4. 결론