최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Особенности субтестов государственных сертификационных экзаменов по иностранному языку TORFL и ТОРIK

The Peculiarity of national certification exams as a foreign language in case of TORFL and TOPIK

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 24

This article examines the peculiarity of national certification exams as a foreign language in comparison between Russian and Korean and analyzes the specific aspect and content of national certification exams. In connection with ALTE, it is exemplified by typical tests of the Certification Levels of each country. This research investigates characteristic subtests of each certification system such as writing and hearing, which are in productive aspect of language competence. In conclusion, it examines the problems of test systems and gives prospective view of national test systems in the global intercultural communications.

1. Введение

2. Национальная система тестирования TORFL и ТOPIK : их история создания и современное состояние

3. О заданиях субтестов в TORFL и ТOPIK и их особенности

4. Перспективы развития систем TORFL и ТOPIK : актуальные проблемы сегодняшнего дня

5. Заключение

