최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Нека нерешена питања око пређашњих времена

Some outstanding questions about the past times

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
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There is extensive literature on aorist and imperfect, whose review would require a much wider space than that of a scientific article, and it does not appear to give us a clearer insight into the nature of the two verbal forms we want to discuss. So for now we have limited ourselves to learning about the meaning of the previous forms, i.e. about Maretić’s idea of ’narrating’, ’reporting’, etc., about Musić’s narration and conversation and about the so-called. ’Experience’, as well as the conclusions that come out of them and which seem to us to contradict the essence of ’past ’.

1. Опште напомене. О ‘стиловима’ и сличним појавама

2. О ‘доживљености’ и сличним појмовима

3. Закључне напомене


