최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Вариантность паремиологических единиц русского языка

Variation of paremiological units of the Russian language

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 5

This work is devoted to variability, one of the essential features of the proverbial expressions, despite the fact that proverbs are sayings with clichéd form, i.e. characterized by a certain stability and reproducibility in the finished form. Proverbs are an excellent illustrative and didactic material (in the study of phonetic and grammatical phenomena, an effective means of creating foreign students’ linguistic competence) and can be successfully used in the Russian language classes for foreigners. However, the use of proverbial material may present certain difficulties, including the presence of several options for the components of Russian proverbs. Foreign students of the advanced level of training notice the phenomenon of variability in paremiological material, ask questions, because they do not understand the principle of replacements in proverbs, the differences between the interchangeable components, whether the options are identical in semantics or there are certain semantic differences, etc. The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyze, and describe the types of variation of Russian proverbs’ components in order to further practical use of the results of this study in practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. As studies have shown, variation of Russian proverbs is primarily concerned with the distinction between levels of variation (phonetic, grammatical, derivational, lexical, structural(syntactic) variation) and also with the truncation(clipping) of the component composition of proverbs (quantitative variability).

1. Введение

2. Формальная вариантность

3. Лексические изменения в паремиях

4. Усеченные пословицы

5. Структурные замены компонентов пословиц

6. Заключение
