Семантические поля слов речи и звучания в организации текстовых фрагментов романа Ф.М. Достоевского «Преступление и наказание»
Semantic Word Fields of Speech and Sound in the Organization of Text Fragments of the Novel «Crime and Punishment» by F.M. Dostoevsky
The purpose of this work is to show the roles of the semantic fields of speech and sound in constructing a text fragment of the novel «Crime and Punishment» by F.M. Dostoevsky. The analysis of any literary text shows that intertextual links are semantic matches. All text units, from large text fragments to the smallest units (words) should be semantically linked to each other and relate to the entire content of the text. It is the semantic connection that is the foundation of the text; it defines its unity and integrity. In the lexical organization of textual fragments of Dostoevsky’s novel «Crime and Punishment», the words of the lexico-semantic field of speech and sound are involved, which are a kind of stimulus for the deployment of the corresponding text fields. The functions of the words from these paradigms in the organization of the fragments are as follows: they participate in the psychological characterization of the characters, create a sound atmosphere, reflect the development of the speech situation, help to create the famous polyphony, the effect of polyphony, and together with other text elements realize the plot dynamics. Keywords, words of speech and sound, along with other means, ensure the integrity of textual fragments. Therefore, words from semantic fields and lexico-semantic groups of speech and sound are one of the most vivid lexical means of explicating a sound picture of the world in the text of Dostoevsky’s novel «Crime and Punishment» and play a significant role in its organization of text fragments.
1. Введение
2. Текстовые фрагменты со словами СП речи и звучания
3. Заключение