최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Особенности функционирования прецедентных феноменов в рекламном дискурсе

Peculiarities of functioning of Precedent Phenomena in advertising discourse

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 2

This paper is devoted to the study of precedent phenomena in modern advertising slogans and texts and was mainly motivated by practical tasks facing the teacher of Russian as a foreign language - the need to form linguoculturological competence among the Russian language learners in the absence of a language environment. The need to study the precedent phenomena is determined by their active use in the Russian language, in particular the language of media, advertising, fiction, etc., the presence of a cultural component that determines the value priorities of the Russian world view. The purpose of this work is: to determine the precedent phenomena, found in the advertising discourse of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks are solved in the article: to identify the main sources of the precedent phenomena’ origin; to establish and describe the main methods and techniques of updating and transforming the precedent phenomena, which are used by advertisers to create a language game in various advertising texts of the two countries for further use of the research results in the practice of teaching Russian to foreign audiences. As the research has shown, advertisers use precedent phenomena in advertising to create a language game and to attract the attention of potential consumers. After analyzing the slogans and advertising texts of the Russian and Kazakh advertising, the following precedent phenomena were highlighted: the precedent names, the precedent statements, the precedent texts, the precedent situation, as well as precedent signs, precedent genre, precedent pictures and precedent sounds. The materials of this study can be used as an educational material for classes with foreign students in preparation for passing TORFL-2, TORFL-3 tests and for specialized classes for studying the functioning of the precedent phenomena in the Russian language.

1. Введение

2. Прецедентные феномены в языке рекламы

3. Заключение
