최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

세계를 표상하는 방법

How Humans Represent the World: A Critical Study of the Relationship between the World View and the Perception

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 20

The circular chain of the world view – linguistic picture of the world – lexicon and text as the external result is the core of the recognition and perception process about the world surrounding humans. But many previous studies have focused only on the limited interactions in the chain. Although the human perception, as an essential prerequisite for manifestation of the world view, actively reflects objective reality. The concept(conceptual view of the world) which becomes a particular substance in object-phenomenon recognition brings about the necessity to integrate with main human perception(linguistic picture of the world). In this regard naming objects-phenomena in a universal language corresponds to the process of generalizing the fundamental characteristics of them in the objective world(scientific view of the world). Furthermore, since the reflections on reality entail an active language processing and generation, the perceived world is recorded again in the mental world based on the language. The linguistic form as an external manifestation of the world may have emerged through the secondary, tertiary process of human perception in this way. In order to define phenomena that occur in a specific language as the linguistic world view of linguistic subjects and communities, it is crucial to pay attention not only to some words and texts but also to information about the objective world and its specific aspects of conceptualization reflected in the perception process. And this is why, discussions about the world views are still relevant despite the existence of several studies.

1. 서론

2. 세계상 용어의 문제

3. 세계상의 발현: 개념과 언어

4. 언어학의 언어적 세계상

5. 결론
