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KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 동사 의미구조의 다상황적 분석

A Study on the Polysituational Analysis of Semantic Structure of Russian Verbs

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 5

The polysituational approach proposed by N. B. Lebedeva for verb semantic analysis presupposes the possibility that the verbs indicate a dynamic situation that changes over time, and that there are potential objects involved. According to the analysis of a “situateme” (ситуатема), which is the cognitive unit that includes several situations realized both explicitly and implicitly, the semantics of verbs is structured in the form of a field divided into lexicalized situations and peripheral propositions (retrospective, perspective). This polysituational approach not only reveals and describes the deep structures of verbal meanings, but also allows them to be expressed in terms of the dynamics of the situation. The polysituational analysis of semantics of the verbs shows that it is an efficient way to study the semantic derivation of verbs that mean to depict by such lines and colors, such as рисовать-1, писать, зарисовать, рисовать-2. In other words, by comparing and contrasting the situateme of the basic verb (рисовать-1) representing the typical situation of the lexical semantic group and the polysituational structure of the derivational verbs, it is possible to explore the mechanism of how the lexical semantics of the verbs is developed in various forms of derivation.

1. 서론

2. 동사 의미의 다상황적 구조로서 상황소(ситуатема)

3. РИСОВАТЬ-1의 상황소 분석

4. РИСОВАТЬ-1와 파생 동사들의 상황소 비교 분석

5. 결론
