최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

러시아어 파생동사의 조어적 병렬어

A study on the derivational parallelism of Russian derivative verbs

DOI : 10.30530/JSL.2019.
  • 9

This work is devoted to the study of the derivational parallelism of the denominal verbs. In this paper, the systematic and semantic characteristics of parallel phenomena have been considered in terms of structural semantics. Among these parallelisms, the most productive form is the derivational parallelism -ить--ничать . Based on the derivational parallelism -ить--ничать , the relationship between the meaning of base nouns and the formation of derivative verbs is discussed, and various formation processes with suffixes are analyzed in depth. In this study, the inherent morphological and structural characteristics of motivational noun base are identified with regard to the productivity of the syntactic parallelism. In the case of verbs with the suffix -ить, there are not many morphological constraints for the derivational parallelism. Therefore, the limiting factor for the suffix -forming -ить--ничать appears mainly in the case of the verb with the suffix -ничать. Verbs with a suffix -ничать are formed through simple or multiple motivational process. Verbs with a suffix -ничать in a simple motivation show contrastive word-formation parallelism: when they have or do not have the suffix -ник in motivational word, the parallelism occurs productively or unproductively, respectively. Verbs with a suffix -ничать make derivational parallelism with the suffix -ить more easily when non-derived nouns without suffix -ник appear as motivating words. On the contrary, verbs with the suffix -ничпть formed from nouns with the suffix -ник rarely participate in verbal parallelism with verbs with the suffix -ить. On the other hand, the semantic limitation in forming derivational parallelism is identified in this paper through the prospective method of analyzing the semantic structure of derivative verbs, starting with semantic analysis and the classification of semantic types of motivational words. The semantic classification and semantic groups of motivational words are formed, and as a result, it is clearly understood which semantic groups of nouns productive parallelism is productive.

1. 서론

2. 본론

3. 결론
