In this paper, the idioms that are more influential, especially arising from or relating to funeral customs among traditional cultures and customs will be examined in language. From the view of idioms, this study is valuable in linguistics as well as in non-linguistics. Also these idioms clearly explain the structure of the semantic domain related to its topic and form a distinct aesthetic structure of tolerance. This study associated with funeral rites customs of the peoples of Russia shows that the customs are not only a part of the general public and a part of linguistics, but also are an important factor in the formation of its idioms. The material source of Russian idiom is related to the traditional lifestyle of many Russians or Slavs. In fact, the modern meaning of an idiom that you can get on the trail of by depending on the phrases of etymological theory associated with traditional culture, is affluent. Many traditional forms of the funeral customs of the old culture has its own life. In each country, every nation has a unique tradition in the form of a traditional funeral customs. Ethnic consciousness and a glimpse of life forms are a good source. These idioms most often include expressions that are directly related to funeral customs and their meanings change metaphorically or figuratively. Through these materials, this study is a trial to approach etymological theory to inquire the origin and meaning transfer of linguistic idioms rather than to explain the law of an idiom. When we learn a foreign language, it is not easy to understand the idiom’s intention because heses idioms, proverbs, and maxims, etc. do not directly convey their meaning.
1. Введение
2. Теоретические основы
3. ФЕ, связанные с похоронным обрядом
4. Заключение