최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Анализ неопределенно-личных предложений в русском языке как диатетического явления

Study on the Russian indefinite-personal constructions as a diathetic phenomenon

  • 6

This article is based upon A. Izraeli s theory about subjectivity of language. According to her, Sl refers to a particular view of reality embodied in a language and its syntax. S2 is defined as “the result of a speaker s choice when the language offers different ways of describing given facts. Thus S2 involves the speaker’s personal judgments and attitudes towards the narrated event and/or the participants of the narrated event. This study suggests that the conception which means the subject of an action (an agent) may be removed from the position of the grammatical subject, or at all behind the depicted scenes , indicating the reduction of personality, can be considered as a part of the S1 of the Russian language. Therefore, there are different types among the subjectless constructions and the choice of one of them depends on the communicative intention of the speaker, which is S2 of Russian language. This article is devoted to the indefinite-personal construction and its synonymous relation with passive. Traditionally subjectless constructions have been discussed within the framework of transformational grammar, in particular, in the line with the passive diathesis. In this study indefinitepersonal constructions are considered as a result of the diathetic derivation, the essence of which is the lowering of a communicative rank of the agent. This property, on the one hand, connects the indefinite-personal construction with the passive, and distinguishes it from the passive, because the passive accompanies not only communicative and syntactic lowering of a subject, but also raising of an object. Finally the possibilities and limitations of synonymous substitution between indefinite-personal constructions and passive are analyzed. Due to semantical and structural properties of a null subject in the indefinite-personal constructions, their synonymous relations are possible only when the subject of passive satisfies the following requirements: personality, unexpressed form and distancing from the speaker.

1. Введение: человеческий фактор в языке и представление субъекта

2. Бесподлежащные предложения в лингвокультурологии

3. Неопределенно-личные предложения в синтаксической системе

4. Синтаксическая синонимия между неопределенно-личными и пассивными конструкциями

5. Вывод
