Прецедентные феномены, языковая игра и другие трудности, возникающие при работе с видеоматериалами в инокультурной аудитории
Precedent phenomena, pun (paronomasia) and other difficulties arising during the work with video materials in the foreign audience
The article is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of precedent phenomena (precedent situations, precedent texts, precedent names, precedent utterances) and pun (paronomasia), a form of word play, functioning in video materials which are presented to Korean students during the Russian language classes and problems of perception and understanding of these linguistic and cultural phenomena by them. Precedent phenomena are «a certain group of verbal or verbalized phenomena, which is known to an average representative of a linguistic and cultural community and is part of the cognitive base of this community»(Gudkov 2003,148). Precedent phenomena are frequently used in literature, mass media, movies and speech within a national culture and are fully understandable and connotatively marked to all members of this national group. Every national group has its own peculiar corpus of precedent phenomena which is well-known in this culture and quite unknown in others. It includes:1. historical events of the past (Смутное время, Полтавская битва, etc.); 2. titles of literary works(«Му-Му», «Евгений Онегин»); movies («Место встречи изменить нельзя», «Два бойца», «Брилльянтовая рука»); fairy tales («Сестрица Аленушка и братец Иванушка», «Лиса и волк»); cartoons («Ну, погоди», etc.); 2.character names of literary works (Чичиков, Онегин, Ленский), movies (Глеб Жеглов), etc.; 3.quasi-citations from literary works (Мой деда самых честных правил); movies (Ты не повязку, ты - совесть потерял; Тузика жалко!), etc.; 4. celebrities’ names (Папанов, Миронов, Раневская); 5. proverbs (Век живи – век учись); sayings (Мир этому дому, пойдем к другому) and aphorisms (Кукуруза - царица полей; Математика – царица наук); 5.song lyrics fragments («Шел отряд по берегу...», «Миллион алых роз»); etc. Difficulties in understanding these special cultural phenomena for foreign students may occur at different stages of perception: precedent phenomena and connotations, associated with these precedent phenomena; the usage of various types of pun (word play) to create a comic effect, etc. As precedent phenomena reveal Russian cultural traditions, cultural values, national character and mentality of Russian people, Russian language teachers are to help foreign students to understand the hidden meanings of these phenomena.
1. Введение
2. Прецедентные феномены
3. Заключение