최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Обучение говорению на русском языке корейских студентов: на примере преподавания русского как иностранного в Республике Корея

Teaching speaking in Russian Korean students: on the example of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Republic of Korea

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This work is dedicated to teaching speaking in Russian Korean students. The article discusses the following: 1) learning objectives 2) the selection of textbooks for lessons on speaking in Russian 3) creation of textbooks speaking in Russian. Relevance of the topic is as follows. There are deep typological differences between the Russian language and the Korean language. There are also differences in approaches to teaching foreign languages in Russia and Korea. Therefore, the Russian-speaking teacher who works in a Korean university has to solve two problems. The first problem lies in the fact that in the course of the Russian language a native teacher must observe the general methodological principles of learning foreign languages in general and the Russian language in particular. The second problem is that the native teacher must take into account the local conditions of learning. Therefore, the correct formulation of learning objectives, the selection of textbooks and teaching techniques are important for effective teaching Korean students speaking in Russian.

1. Введение

2. Иноязычная среда обучения и роль русского преподавателя в учебном процессе

3. Принципы отбора материалов для занятий по развитию речи в условиях иноязычной среды

4. Проблемы создания учебников по развитию речи для корейских учащихся

5. Заключение

