최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

“Prosimy więcej u nas nie kupować” rzecz o kryzysie w dyskursie handlowym

“Please Do Not Buy at Our Place Anymore”: the Question of the Commercial Discourse’s Crisis

In the present study Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz deals with the lingual strategies which are used by the seller in the face of the crisis in the purchase and sale process. Such crisis could appear at many times of the selling act, but the author is mostly interested in the communicative strategies chosen by the seller (i.e. corporate personhood), when the client (i.e. a natural person) is dissatisfied with the transaction and expressed it verbally. The material basis for this article was taken from a very popular in Poland online auction website, Allegro.pl. The observations made on the analysed texts’ hybridism connected with the colloquiality expansion, multisemiotically status and “quasi selfpromotion” are preceded by the author’s meticulous, text-oriented analyses.

1. O dyskursie handlowym

2. O kryzysie w dyskursie handlowym

3. O internetowych przejawach dyskursu handlowego

4. O kryzysie w internetowym dyskursie handlowym

