Коммуникативный механизм сближения и дистанцирования и его реализация через личные формы в русском языке
The communicative mechanism of approaching and distancing and its implementation through personal forms in Russian language
Transpositions of personal forms by the category of person are divided into referential and nonreferential, which are related to each other. In the referential and non-referential transpositions by person, the first and second person express solidarity as well as compassion, and bring together the relationships of the communicants, however the third person express exclusion and a perspective from the outside, and distance the speaker from the interlocutor or from the flow of the speech. Thus, the transpositions of the first, second and third person forms by category of person implement strategies of approaching / distancing and actualize the opposition between <<self – other>>. With regard to transpositions of personal forms by the category of number, it is done by replacing singular forms with plural forms. Transpositions of personal forms by number, raising or lowering the referent (or minimizing its salience), distance the relationships of the communicants, and thus actualize the opposition <<equal – unequal>>. Therefore, many of transpositions of personal forms by number became conventional addresses, clearly reflecting the position of actants on the social ladder. It is interesting to note that the opposition <<self – other>> and <<equal – unequal>> are mostly shown in the transpositions of the third person plural forms. Calling the referent (3rd person singular, the interlocutor or even the speaker himself) with a third person plural form, the speaker emphasizes a social or psychological distance from the referent. Here we have the iconicity of linguistic structures (the idea of Jakobson). That is, distancing the speaker from the referent with the third person plural reflects the fact that the first person singular is maximally removed from the third person plural in the personal paradigm. Thus, personal forms not only organize the deictic space of the speech act, but also serve as the regulation and signalization of interpersonal relationships. They act as an essential instrument of communication strategies of approaching and distancing. Using personal forms in a non-deictic function, the speaker removes himself from the deictic center and reflects the situation by changing the reference point, which reinforces or mitigates the illocutionary force of the speech act.
1. Введение
2. Личные формы и их транспозиции
3. Выводы