Исследование особенностей межкультурных различий в невербальной коммуникации: на основе языка тела в русском и корейском языках
A study on Intercultural Differences of Nonverbal Communication: centering on Russian and Korean body language
The purpose of this study is to explore the intercultural differences of nonverbal communication between the body language in Russian and Korea language. The body language is a sort of gesture performing non-verbal communications. Scholars and researchers, who research the field of the nonverbal communication, disagree with exactly how much one can learn from observing kinesic actions. They suggest that people communicate through media other than our words much more than we do through the words we choose. This research relates to the question how useful is the study of nonverbal communication In this paper, gestures define as any movement performed by all body. I define a gesture a communicative gesture when the form and the movement of the body is used for the goal of communicative some meaning. Any gesture uses a particular body configuration, location, movement and orientation. On the side of meaning, we can fine mental images or propositional information making up the meaning of the gesture. Through the examination of gestural expression and cultural understanding can be proved the cognitive connection between the spoken language and spoken language as well as the communicative agreement of two languages.
1. Введение
2. Теоретические основы
3. Классификация и сравнение языка тела в русском и корейском языках
4. Заключение