최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

Аномалии в языке газет или шутки над языком?

Anomalies in the Russian Newspaper Language or Tricks on the Language?

The purpose of this study is to examine the use of word-play in the headings of Russian newspapers (2012-2014). The linguistic phenomenon is studied according to the level organization of languages. Word-play is considered for phonetic-phonological, graphological, morphological, lexicalsemantic and syntactic levels. The headings found in different Russian newspapers consist of multiple kinds of word-play, such as play with alliteration, parody, onomatopoeia, repetitions, rhyming, orthography, polysemy, homonymy, paronymy, idioms’ and proverbs’ twists, specific syntax constructions etc. Word-play is constantly being used in order to attract the audience s attention, to give the audience the pleasure of understanding the word-play and to create an atmosphere of the socalled common knowledge, which makes the accompanying text more accessible to the audience.

1. Введение

2. Фонетико-фонологический уровень

3. Графологический уровень

4. Лексико-семантический уровень

5. Словообразование

6. Синтаксические приемы языковой игры

7. Заключение

